James Breuhl Discusses How Fresh Foods Can Positively Impact Your Health

James Breuhl

James Breuhl is the Vice President of Fresh at Rouses Supermarket. Earning this position came as the culmination of a long career in the grocery store business. Furthermore, most of the experience of James Breuhl stems from the produce section of the grocery store. One of the most rewarding aspects of providing fresh fruits and vegetables to customers is knowing the health benefits that customers receive from increasing their daily intake of fruits and veggies. Today, James Breuhl will discuss some of the health benefits associated with a daily diet filled with various fruits and vegetables.

Freshness is a key element in the nutritional value of a fruit or vegetable. By forming relationships with local farms, James Bruehl notes that grocery stores can offer their customers with fruits and veggies that contain more of the essential vitamins and nutrients shoppers are looking for. When fruits and vegetables have to travel across stateliness or across the globe, they lose some of the nutritional value they held at the farm.

People who are diagnosed with high blood pressure or raised cholesterol levels are often sent to the produce section by their primary physician. A diet that includes an array of fruits and veggies has been known to lower blood pressure, reduce one’s risk of heart disease, lower the risk of eye and digestive problems and even prevent a few different types of cancer. Another one of the key benefits of fruits and vegetables is that they can help a person enjoy the sensation of being full longer so that they don’t overeat.

Knowing that many people are aware of the health benefits of fruits and vegetables but still struggle to increase their daily intake, James Bruehl can offer a few tips that will help anyone add more to their diet. For starters, it’s important to go through one’s pantry and eliminate junk foods that tempt them. Ease of access to sweets can make it difficult for anyone to grab an apple. On the flipside, when several ready-to-eat washed fruits are available in bowls throughout the home, it becomes more likely that a person will choose to eat them throughout the day.

James Breuhl recommends speaking with a grocery store employee in the produce aisle to discuss what is in season. Knowing that a certain fruit or vegetable is in season may just inspire a person to try something new. Eating these foods based on seasonality will also make it less likely that a diner will grow bored of eating the same thing day after day.

Finally, James Bruehl suggests making a meal of it. Sure, there are countless salad recipes to take advantage of, but diners can also dive into a world of various soup recipes, stir-fries and more. As more people are making dietary switches to remove gluten or meat products from their diet, there’s never been a better time to take advantage of the sheer access to fruits and vegetables.

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